Actualizing Articles

We greatly appreciate your interest in articles by Kendall C. Wright. You are welcomed and encouraged to reprint the articles provided below for publications or posts to websites with the following provisions:

  1. Please include the following as the byline of the article (50 words):
    Kendall C. Wright, "The Actualizer," CEO of Entelechy T&D, Inc., helps business leaders -at all levels- fulfill the hard parts of their job descriptions. He’s an author, consultant and keynoter presenting to audiences on five continents and nearly 25 countries. Find free resources at Contact us at or 513.368.5323.

  2. Please e-mail the following information to Kendall C. Wright at
    • Publication or media used
    • Date of publication
    • Your name and email address

  3. Please forward a tear sheet or copy of the publication to:
    Kendall C. Wright
    Entelechy Training and Development, Inc.
    Media Relations Dept.
    P.O. Box 1515
    West Chester, OH 45071-1515